Pink Fire Pointer "I Am Your Brother": Short Story Studies is now Available for Purchase!

"I Am Your Brother": Short Story Studies is now Available for Purchase!

I am most happy to announce that my new book, "I Am Your Brother": Short Story Studies is now available for purchase.

I will be posting the Introduction in  a few days on my blog in two parts. The Introduction will probably be the section of the book that Amazon will make available via their "Look Inside" feature.

 If you are interested in purchasing the book, click on the cover to the right to go to my Createspace "store."  In a few days, the book will also be available on Amazon as a paperback and a Kindle ebook..

Cost for the paperback is $14.99 and for the Kindle $9.99.  Both will also be available in Great Britain and Europe at an equivalent price.
"I Am Your Brother": Short Story Studies
Preface                                                                                          i
Introduction: “I Am Your Brother”                                            1
1   Genre and the Short Story                                                     15
2  History and the Short Story                                                  29
3   The Novel and the Short Story                                             51
4  Shortness of the Short Story                                                 73
5   Mystery and Obsession in the Short Story                          91
6  Metaphoric Motivation and the Short Story                       113
7  Mythic Perception: Steinbeck & Malamud                         125
8  Birth of the Modern Short Story:   Chekhov                       145
9  Love and Separateness in the Short Story: Welty              173
10 Artifice in the Short Story: Malamud and Williams         189
11  Saying the Unsayable in the Short Story: Carver               211
12 The Short Story Way of Meaning: Munro                           235
Epilogue                                                                                        259
Works Cited                                                                                 261
Acknowledgements                                                                      273
Index                                                                                             274