Pink Fire Pointer she's always up for thai

she's always up for thai

photo (37)this little post is dedicated to my angel friend brittany. (and that really terrible quality picture is us in the most fantastically kitschy thai restaurant, eating curry after we engaged in some serious retail therapy at the milpitas outlets...)

three of the last four fridays, brittany and i have decided, just as we've both left the middle schools where we work, to go out for thai food together. brittany says "thai is always a good idea" - she's always up for it (i love it when she speaks to the waitress in thai - she served a 18-month mission for our church there). sharing food and conversation with this girl is one of my favourite things ever.
brittany really is an angel for me. i honestly don't know what i would have done without her the past couple of months. she has been so gentle with me when i've felt so fragile, has done incredibly kind things for me, and has shared so much sincere empathy. she lets me talk when i want to talk understands when i don't. she checks in on me and drinks tea with me and goes all kinds of places with me and is just an amazingly good friend. she also happens to be a fantastic celebrator and a perfect dinner-party-planning partner; she appreciates and teaches me about art and literature and other beautiful things; she engages me in wonderfully challenging and stimulating conversations; she really makes me laugh.
and, she's always up for thai.
“i have spoken here of heavenly help, of angels dispatched to bless us in time of need. but when we speak of those who are instruments in the hand of god, we are reminded that not all angels are from the other side of the veil. some of them we walk with and talk with—here, now, every day...indeed heaven never seems closer than when we see the love of god manifested in the kindness and devotion of people so good that angelic is the only word that comes to mind.”
-jeffrey r. holland