Pink Fire Pointer snapshots of the {christmasy and chilly} big apple

snapshots of the {christmasy and chilly} big apple

day-after-thanksgiving exploring and merriment in the concrete jungle where dreams are made of... (i love new york city. i love it so so so so much. every time i go, i feel determined to move there.)
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^^can you spot lady liberty?^^
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^^we stole the window seat at the donut plant in chelsea to wash down all that thanksgiving turkey!^^
photo 5
^^looooove those pop-up christmas tree shops on nyc street corners!^^
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^^everyone else had already been to the 9/11 memorial, so i had a little solo adventure downtown. i feel like visiting the memorial was a great day-after-thanksgiving activity. i felt so humbled and grateful.^^
^^we went to fifth avenue to experience all the chaotic christmas cheer. it was sooo crowded in fao schwartz and all the way down the road to the {yet un-lit} rockefeller tree. it was also very cold and both my camera and phone battery were dead. but. it was magical nonetheless. nothing, nothing like fifth avenue at christmastime.^^

and then my whirlwind east coast tour was over and it was back to real life! super glad i made the trip. so grateful for so much - including siblings that live in the best places!