Pink Fire Pointer TRIBAL TATTOOS


 The basic tribal tattoo is characterized by long and solid symmetrical designs which look like sharp piercing spears and glowing flames. These designs are derived from ancient tribal outfits which used the tattoos as a social distinguishing factor that basically showed that you belonged to the class of warriors and you - you belong to the wise men class. Moreover, the tattoos were a sign to galore the numerous achievements of a particular tribe probably over another and so on to the social stature of a tribesman. In the current and more civilized dispensation, Tribal art and Tattoos have grown or basically transformed into tattoos that are now used for artistic reasons. And looking at how solid and texturally beautiful and powerful the tattoos are and their designs showing certain exquisite intricacies, one could begin to understand why they are popular.

 Tribal Tattoos and Tattoo Designs go back to the Egyptian super power era and then crossed to other nations with the same tenacity that it had in its inception. The basic symbolism of tribal art is now lost, only tribal scholars seem to understand them, and aesthetics has therefore taken hold of the essence of the tattoos. But if you are very keen, looking at the tribes in the world that still hold on to their cultures, tribes in West Africa, Asia and South America, you will still see their witchdoctors, hunters, chiefs and "warriors" still adorned in distinguishing tribal patterns.